Attempt to censure North Korea catapulted film The Interview for the glory

Sony Pictures, which banned the film output, after the amea4as of hackers, finally accepted the projection of the film, but only in 300 rooms, against the expected 3000 from 1690 onwards. All seats were sold at a glance for the premiere of the film, on Christmas day. But the criticism didn't have fun just as much as the public admitted outside of the rooms: -Is a high-level cover-up, compared to "a pilot this plane?" or Hot Shots ".It's fun, fun ....-Super fun, funny.It is a great film, fun.The film is available in original version on different platforms to download online. Already generated, since Christmas, more than 15 million dollars of profit (more than 12 million euros), including sales and rental. It's the best result from Sony Pictures for a feature film on the Internet. The success enraged the North Koreans. Openly hostile outside of the film, which parodies the their leader, the regime of the United States Government threatened to Pyongayang and fulfilled the threats of disclosure of the private lives of public figures.The White House supported the movie, firstly through official statements and then, before the premiere, with an opinion on the matter, President Obama himself, on December 19:: "-Imagine if producers and distributors begin to autocensurar-if not to hurt the susceptibility of someone that needs to have the sensibilities offended."The film by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, with James Franco, is more than a critique of totalitarianism of Kim Jong-Un and his military regime. Presents the head of State of the North Korean dictatorship as a grotesque figure, which the protagonists plan to assassinate, "at the behest" of the CIA. The development of the film follows the focus of action films for teenagers, but this has the most charm of the enemy pursued. The producers didn't dream with such popularity.
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