Greece faces financial hurricane in 2015

The failed attempt to elect a new Parliament President opens a door of hope with the early elections. The favorite in the polls is the left-wing party that defended the action against austerity: the Syriza.The atmosphere on the streets is wearing, resignation and, sometimes, of relief: "I think the elections will lead to another difficult period, without we see results, as no one party able to govern alone," says a citizen.Another confesses: "I'm worried because I have no idea what's going to happen"."Finally the country will get rid of us drank the blood in these last four years."If the Syriza won, on 25 January, and if he can govern, doesn't promise out of the euro but rather set aside two-thirds of the debt, which amounts to 175% of GDP.It will also leave the reforms aside, that only have the most fragile society. Promises which cast the alert in the financial rating agencies and in German banks, but that Alexi Tsipras defends as priorities:"Neither the Syriza nor democracy constitute a threat to Europe, but a hope for a viable way out of the crisis. Last year, Greece was chosen to be the Guinea pig of austerity. Now we have proof that it was a catastrophic failure. "But, if the bag, under panic effect, if it sinks, this scenario of catastrophe can actually occur? Alexis Tsipras can afford to refuse reimbursement, depriving the Greek banks ECB liquidity aid, they need? Market analyst, Chris Beauchamp, distrusts:"I suspect that the commitments that the Syriza must take in Government, will reveal a very different party than presents itself now in opposition. It's always like that. When the moment of truth arrives, the situation is very different from argues on the opposite side. There's probably not much to fear as people think, but be always an obstacle unsuitable in the eurozone ". The Syriza program conflicts with the goals set by the austerity of debt creditors: the Greece received 240 billion euros in 2010. But, in Exchange, most of the population lived below the poverty line.
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