Wind and rough seas hamper rescue operations in the Adriatic Sea

Italian helicopters and Greek and Italian ships are in place, but the very choppy seas and high winds make it very complicated the relief mission.According to the Ministry, among Greek sea the passengers on the ferry are 268 Greeks, being the crew consisting of 34 Greeks and 22 Italians. Chartered by the Greek company AKAK, Norman Atlantic made the connection between the Greek island of Patras and the Italian port of Ancona when 33 nautical miles of the small Greek island of Othonoi burnt down the garage of the boat, which was carrying 198 vehicles.According to the Greek Minister of the sea, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, about 150 people left the ferry in a rescue dinghy, but the Greek boat which tries to recover them fight against rough seas.An Italian ship is trying to launch other rescue craft, but the wind and the raging sea prevent rapprochement.
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