Ex-Interior Minister of Tunisia chosen to form a Government

The head of State of Tunisia commissioned former Interior Minister to form a Government.Habib Essid, of 65 years, now has a month to present to Parliament the new Government team. If you have not received the green light from Parliament, the Economist has yet another opportunity to be successful. To be approved, the Government needs the support of Essid other formations. The moderate Islamist party Ennahda not away the possibility of a coalition with the Nidaa Tounès. It is recalled that the President's Party has 86 of 217 parliamentary seats.According to an official of the secular education that won the October legislative and December presidential, the choice of Essid was consensual.ESSID held several positions during the Ben Ali regime. He was appointed Interior Minister after the revolution of 2011 and, later, Adviser to the Prime Minister for Security Affairs.De Lurdes Hard Pereira | With EFE, LUSA
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