France: A law to renew itself for almost 30 years to combat terrorism

Other attacks followed. The August 17, a bomb near the Arc de Triomphe injured 17 people; the 3 September, a car bomb exploded near a Jewish school in Lyon, wounding 14 others; and in October, two other gas bombs, one of them on the subway, would do more than 30 wounded again in Paris.The anti-terrorism Act in France has existed for almost a decade when these attacks happened. This strong onslaught of radical Islamists, promoted from the Algerian civil war, led Elisha to strengthen anti-terrorism legislation. In July 1996, was created the offence of criminal association, with the possibility of loss of French nationality for the guilty.A decade after such attacks in France and almost five years after the "September 11", the target of Islamic radicals moved to the United Kingdom. The London transport network was attacked by kamikazes, the July 7, 2005. More than 50 people died, including the suicide bombers. At this point, because the attacks of 2001 against the twin towers in New York, France had already reinforced once again the anti-terrorism law and tighter border control. The French Minister of the Interior, to time, Nikolas Sarkozy, was still pressed to revise a again the text of the law.The new document was approved in late January 2006. The Gallic security was reinforced with the authorization, for example, the videovigiliância of public spaces and increasing communications traffic control.The new anti-terrorism law it also authorised the security forces firing on any vehicle that didn't stop for identification at a police checkpoint. Increased to six days the police custody of suspects and also the penalties for the perpetrators of such crimes.In 2008, there were new addendum to French anti-terrorism law permit the verification of identities in international trains, less than 20 kilometers of railway compositions into French territory.A little more than two months â" the 4 November â" was, however, implemented in France the latest version of the anti-terrorism law. The new text is intended to prevent the departure of "jihadists" to France for Syria, allowing for the confiscation of identification papers and passports for renewable periods of six months to two years.The new text allows you to ban the entry into France of European Union citizens who are suspected of terrorism. The 2014 version also created the offence of "terrorist individual initiative", a new appeal against Lone Wolves as Mehdi Nemmouche, that, last may, killed four people in the Jewish Museum of Brussels. This is the kind of terrorists that passes the action without direct support from any group.The internet has become, however, a privileged means of terrorist propaganda and recruit new militants to their lines of combat "jihadist". The new French law allows anti-terrorism order to managers of social networks and internet domains the closure of accounts or suspicious pages to promote terrorism.
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