Greece: Firing aides and rehire cleaners

The decision was known this morning.The workers were protesting since 2013 when they knew it was going to be fired. "We fought for 19 months, a gruelling battle, frustrating and with many problems. What now feel is recognition for what we spent during these months, "says one employee.The calls of the maids came even to the Supreme Court but lost.Now, the new Finance Minister will cut the costs of the Ministry, firing aides, and use the money for wages of maids. "Today we turned the page of the mistake, the denial which cost human lives, lost or destroyed. There was a cost to our European partners. The problem was not that Germany or Italy, or even the poorest countries than us, such as Slovakia, not lent money to Greece. They gave more than they should and that money went into a black hole, "said Finance Minister Yianis Varoufakis.The Greeks and Europe are waiting now for achieving, or not, of promises that until recently seemed impossible."The new Greek Finance Minister stated that will put an end to the austerity programs that have added a debt to another already untenable and withdrew funds from the real economy," explains the Euronews correspondent, Symela Touchtidou.
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