Moscow denies having sent 700 troops to the East of Ukraine

Clashes between separatists and the Ukrainian army caused the death of at least five civilians, injuring 26 people in recent 12:0 am, around the airport in Donetsk.Donetsk/17 Street MatrosovaA resident witness:"We threw ourselves on the floor and a minute later we heard a new explosion. After the second blast left the street and we realised that the explosions had killed one person, injuring another. We called an ambulance, between new explosions and a strong smell of gas because the pumps damaged gas pipes.The new wave of bombings occurs at a time when Kiev tries to mobilize over 50 thousand men in the face of rumors of the presence of 700 Russian military in the territory, a report denied by Moscow diplomacy this morning.The sub responsible government defence Donetsk separatist claims, "all the people in the town heard the blasts that were felt in several areas. The Ukrainian army is using all the weapons you have to bomb the airport. " (Video shows aerial images of the Donetsk airport)Installation, controlled by the Ukrainian army, continues to be the stage of arm wrestling with the separatists in a conflict that has already caused 4,800 dead since last April.
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