Offensive continues armed pro-Russian Eastern Ukraine

The worsening of the situation motivates diplomatic pressure. German Chancellor Angela Merkel appealed on Sunday to Russian President Vladimir Putin to exert pressure on the separatists, preventing a further escalation of violence and respect the agreements signed in Minsk on 5 September. U.s. President Barack Obama said in Washington consider all options with the exception of military action, in order to isolate Russia. The European Union has called for next Thursday an emergency meeting of Foreign Ministers of the 28 Member States, which should be discussed this new rebel offensive pró-russos in Ukraine.The inhabitants of Kiev left the street on Sunday to render homage to the victims of the bombardementos of the city of Marioupol, who the day before caused thirty deaths and 90 wounded civilians and to denounce the Kremlin's responsibility for the attacks.After an emergency meeting of the Security Council of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the President reaffirmed that the peace agreement signed in Minsk remains the only solution to the conflict.
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