Pablo Iglesias in Athens: "the wind of democratic change is blowing in Europe"
"On Monday, we will put an end to the national humiliation that is receiving mail on governance and instructions from outside-Alexis Tsipras"In the last major rally before elections on Sunday, Alexis Tsipras received the support of his "counterpart" Spanish, Pablo Iglesias.The leader of the movement of the left was with "can" in Athens, to express its solidarity with the Syriza movement, the Greek coalition of the left, also given as winner in this weekend's ballot.Iglesias even gave an air of his grace, in saying, in Greek: "the wind of democratic change is blowing in Europe," before adding, in Spanish, "Hasta la victoria, Syriza we can, we will win!"Before thousands of people gathered in Omonia square, Tsipras burning the last cartridges, a campaign centered on rejection of austerity imposed by the "troika" in Exchange for the bailout of the country."On Monday, we will put an end to the national humiliation that is receiving mail on governance and instructions coming from outside," promises the leader of Syriza.The latest polls give him 36 percent of the voting intentions and increase to 5% the difference between the new democracy (from right), the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.Numbers that give a new hope to supporters of Syriza."I think, with the Syriza, let's recover our dignity. We're tired of being the bad student of Europe. We have again a decent country, "explains a supporter. Another, younger adds: "the victory of Syriza will reverse the path of humanitarian crisis in Greece and of unemployment rates and resume economic growth."Dulce Days
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