"The army of Muhammad is awake": blind rage against Charlie Hebdo

In Niger, climbed to ten stock of victims of the clashes of the last two days.The protests against the publication, by the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, a new caricature of the Prophet Mohammed led to riots around the country. The capital Niamey was the burning of churches and restaurants or bars held by the French. The protesters also attacked a police station.The clashes on Saturday made five dead, all civilians, in addition to the five on Friday. For this Sunday's scheduled a March, banned by the authorities, but that the organizers want to carry off. The presence of President Mahamadou Issoufou on 11:0 pm day March Paris, against the recent terrorist attacks (in particular the attack on Charlie Hebdo, which made 12 dead), the Muslim population was enraged.At least 77 churches burnt in Niger during anti-#CharlieHebdo protests. Burn Churches in Niger over a cartoon by atheists in Paris. STUPID!After Niger president attends #CharlieHebdo rally in Paris, protesters set churches on fire; 4 dead. http://t.co/ixngm0d4o3 via @mashableThe clashes also came to Yemen. In the capital, Sanaa, several dozen people protested outside the Embassy of France."What we want to say today is that no more insulting our Prophet. This is a message from Yemeni people: stop making fun of our Prophet, or you will regret in the future, "said a protester.The protesters are demanding the departure of the French Ambassador and shouted slogans such as "the army of Muhammad woke up".By Ricardo Figueira | With AFP, REUTERS.
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