Ukraine celebrated Orthodox Christmas in an atmosphere of war

Ukrainian soldiers have taken up positions in Donetsk airport, scene of some of the fiercest fighting in the East of Ukraine.The 50 military personnel of a contingent of four trucks had secured passage by rebel forces that gave them gifts in celebration of the Orthodox Christmas.The rotation took place under the supervision of a joint Commission of representatives of Ukrainian and Russian army.The fighting in Eastern Ukraine has continued, despite a cease-fire reached in September, but the two sides failed to reach agreement on a dividing line to create a buffer zone."I'd like that of Union for the people of Ukraine, so that all these events that took place last year not to repeat themselves, we want peace in our land.""This holiday today that serve to win well, to stop wars and that people can be happy".The Orthodox Ukrainians celebrated Christmas at the Cathedral of St. Volodymyr of Kiev, where they prayed for peace in the country.
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