Yemen: MÃlicias Shiites control the residence President Hadi

In the city of Aden, in the South of the country, the authorities decided to shut down the international airport and the port for denouncing the "coup" against the President, carried out by the Shia Houthi.After Shiite militias have taken the Presidential Palace, the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon called for an immediate ceasefire in Yemen.In response, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi, leader of the Shiite militias, stated that his movement is ready to confront "any measure" to be adopted by the UN Security Council.In the same television speech, Houthi made several demands: the reform of the National Commission, the review of the Constitution to the reconciliation and an end to political differences.Fernando Peneda | With LUSA/REUTERS/AFP
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