Bosniaks detained in United States incur a penalty up to 15 years

Five of the suspects, aged between 26 and 42 years have been arrested. Another will be in Syria at the service of radical Islamic States.According to American justice, most devoted to collecting funds for the fundamentalists from the United States.The alleged connection of these extremist groups immigrants caught by surprise the Bosnian community of Saint Louis, in the State of Missouri."It's a shame that the choices of some jeopardise the whole community" refers to Sadik Kukic, Bosnian trader."I don't know the people concerned, nor want to know. To tell you the truth, I don't understand the motivations of these people, "said one inhabitant.The accused incurs a penalty up to 15 years in prison.The suspects will have counted with the help of intermediaries in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
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