EU calls for Russian cooperation to a peace accord in Ukraine

In the debate with Mogherini during the plenary session of the European Parliament, the majority of MEPs were opposed to a military solution to the conflict in the East of Ukraine, hoping that this time the Vladimir Putin show in Minsk a different attitude."Putin has to give proof of honesty. If Putin reveal dishonesty, various measures have to be taken, but I'm not going to speculate now about this, I'm optimistic because I want to be optimistic, "underlined Dutch liberal MEP Johannes Cornelis van Baalen."The Russia must recognize its involvement in the conflict in Ukraine and international law must be re-established," said however the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament the Alexey Pushkov, Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Duma.Pushkov replied that this war can win amplitude and become a considerable problem for European security, in an allusion to the possibility of the United States supplying arms to Ukraine.By Nelson Pereira
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