Greece: Government sends letter to Brussels with the reforms it intends to perform

The Greek Finance Ministry sent a letter Sunday from three pages to Brussels with the reforms it intends to perform to that institutions make an initial assessment.The goal is that institutions submit comments during this afternoon and, thus, can shape the proposal that Athens will present on Monday to the European institutions in order to prolong the financing to the country for over four months.Government sources reported that the Executive's intention of Alexis Tsipras is not accepting any cuts in salaries and pensions."I have nothing to fear. As I have no money, I'm not worried, maybe that's why. I don't have deposits, I'm not worried. I'm middle class who never had much money. We live day by day, I'm not worried and I trust in the Government, "said an inhabitant of Athens.The State Minister, Nikos Pappas, warned that some reforms that the Greek Government will present on Monday "are not negotiable" and are a "matter of national sovereignty".Fernando Peneda | With LUSA/REUTERS
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