segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015

Pope Francis received Angela Merkel

The meeting took place in the morning in the Apostolic Palace and lasted about 40 minutes.

During the traditional exchange of gifts, Angela Merkel, daughter of a Lutheran pastor and a member of the Evangelical Church, offered the Pope an envelope with money and, without ever specifying what value, said only that I wanted it to be intended for the children of refugees.

The Chancellor offered a set of disks on the Protestant German composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

After a thank you in German Pope Francisco, the talk continued in Italian and in private with the help of an interpreter.

The Pope returned the offers with a medal of his pontificate, which has an image of Saint Martin, recalling that this protected religious peoples, to which Merkel said that she also worked in this direction: "we tried to do it the best possible."

Fernando Peneda | With LUSA

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