USA want global Union against terrorism, France attacks propaganda

Washington Summit against terrorism in the presence of President BarackObama and of the SG of Nations United Ban Ki-Moon <a href=""></a><p>-Bernard Cazeneuve (BCazeneuve) 19 February 2015Finished Thursday in Washington, the Summit against violent extremism, Bernard Cazeneuve has planned to meet with officials of internet giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter or Microsoft to expose French concerns about how radical Islamic groups have resorted to social networks to autopromoverem and recruit more followers for "jihad". France wants to limit the access of these groups to social networks and supports the implementation of codes of conduct."When people are oppressed and human rights are denied... when dissent is silenced, it feeds violent extremism" â"President Obama #CVESummitBarack Obama, for his part, left on Summit a priority list that advocates for the fight against violent extremism and defeat the "perverted ideologies" of groups such as the Islamic State, the Al-Qaida or the Boko Haram. Among the priorities â" refers to France Press â" are increased cooperation between Governments against foreign fighters and actions that put an end to conflicts and sectarian tensions as in Syria.Washington defends the cutting of funding groups that promote hatred, the extension of education to all people, in particular for women, and the promotion of democracy and free elections.Let's commit to expanding education, including for girls... nations will not truly succeed without the contributions of their women. "â"ObamaCazeneuve pointed out that one should not confuse "the perversion that some individuals make a religion of peace with his own religion". "We condemn very serious all those who systematically seek to blame the entire Islamic community through the manipulation of small groups inspired by hatred", specified the responsible diplomatic Gaul.ICYMI: Watch President Obama deliver remarks at the #CVESummit Read transcript here â"> Francisco Marques | With LUSA, WHITE HOUSE
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