Wish Summit: Rethinking the World Health

"The purpose of the WISH not to reach in two days, what's important is what happens next, to understand how many people have taken up the ideas discussed, took them home and implemented for the benefit of the patient," explains Lord Darzi of Denham, CEO of WISH.The care rendered in the cases of cancer was one of the main topics under discussion. The disease is one of the three major areas of medical expense. It is expected that the number of new cases of cancer will increase to 13.3 million, in 2010, to 21.5 million in 2030, according to a study by the school of public health at Harvard University, in partnership with the World Economic Forum:"There may be misused funds, as regards the treatment of cancer, there is a problem of excessive diagnosis and treatment, so we believe the systematization will help solve these problems, we will have a much better result, it's going to be better for patients and will save money," said Robert Thomas, the head of the service, Australian, counseling about cancer.Another area that creates concern is diabetes and the increase of cases around the world, caused by the modification of Western lifestyles, especially the urban. While there is no cure for the disease, experts say that prevention is the priority:"We need to improve the care for diabetics. As I said, we know what to do about this, it's just a matter of organization of health systems. We need to be able to educate people to understand what increases the risk of developing diabetes or have diabetes but was not diagnosed, and what they can do to make this diagnosis. The third thing is to prevent people from developing diabetes, "says Stephen Colagiuri, Professor of metabolic health at the University of Sydney.Chronic diseases are increasingly part of the life of the people. At the Summit tried to also discuss ways of improving the pace established by international entities, including the World Health Organization, in the sense of a universal health coverage. With over a billion people without access to basic health care, the leaders here agreed on the importance of the provision of health services, quality, worldwide:"There must be a single and central source of funding, there are several ways to do it. From taxes, national health service, State health systems, these are some ways. May be mandatory health insurance, through a social system, which can be administered by different entities. The important thing is not to let anybody from outside, everyone must be included, "said Donald m. Berwick, President Emeritus of the Institute of the United States of America, for the improvement of health care."Taxpayers cannot pay indefinitely, mainly health care when it is possible to get to 95 years of age, or even to 110. People live longer if you do not work, than to work, so the only way to give people health care, sustainable, is causing all pay a small amount of money every month for your health system, "said Devi Shetty, President and founder of Narayana Hrudayalaya health group. Apart from these debates, the Summit was also an opportunity to entrepreneurs and young creators to show his work in terms of devices, business models and innovative design solutions:
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