sábado, 16 de julho de 2016

May tells Merkel that the Brexit is not for tomorrow

On the first day of work, the new British Prime Minister, Theresa May, said Angela Merkel that the Brexit is not for tomorrow.

In telephone conversations on Wednesday, with the German Chancellor and the French President, François Hollande, Theresa May respond to the pressures of Brussels reiterating that his Government needs time to prepare for the talks on the United Kingdom's output of the European Union.

However advanced with a purge in Cameron's Office. Among those who escaped, Andrea Leadsom figure, who abandoned the race for the leadership of the conservative party leaving the way clear for May. She was appointed Secretary of the environment.

Another survivor to remodeling of May, is Jeremy Hunt. The most unpopular Cabinet Minister Cameron remains in the position he has held since 2012, Health Secretary.

Chris Grayling, the leader of the House of Commons that if Cameron has to support the Brexit and was campaign manager in May, received the transport folder.

From now on, you May have to worry about the pós-referendo scenario of a divided society, the risk of economic instability and the negotiation of a Brexit agreement to guarantee the access to the single market of the free movement of goods. This last task promises to be particularly difficult, because it will have to accept the free movement of persons after having beaten the foot against immigration.

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