Greece: Last breath of Samaras to defeat Syriza

The last breath of Antonis Samaras to convince the Greek electorate that the key to success is in the next austerity and that the bonanza is about to arrive. At the final rally in Athens, the Prime Minister and still running in the Greek legislative Sunday promised tax relief and more jobs, the result of economic growth."One vote can only determine whether Greece will follow in the future, which is now very close to us or going to a fatal accident. For all those who will determine the final outcome, today I ask to fight, I'm asking you to join us, "said Samaras.The conservative new democracy party leader doesn't give up even though opinion polls reinforced the voting intentions in opponent Syriza."At the last rally of the new democracy, Antonis Samaras presented the work of his Government and strongly criticized the Syriza and expressed confidence that his party will win in the elections," explains the Euronews correspondent, Akis Tatsis.The Syriza held the last rally Thursday, despite opinion polls giving him an advantage, it is almost certain that needs a coalition partner."We will honor the commitments of fair participation in European institutional framework. But, let's not honor commitments and signatures that previous Governments gave and which are not required for the new Executive, "he said at a press conference Alexis Tsipras, leader of Syriza.The formation of left promised to review their commitments with international institutions and ensures that will press for better conditions for the payment of the debt or even a pardon, a scenario that conservatives consider impossible and even dangerous for the fragile economic recovery of the country.
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