Terrorist loses French status but only by having dual-nationality

News release - decision 2014-439 #QPC - Validation of the #déchéance of #nationalité http://t.co/JRcbJvrzs1Friday's decision in no way is related to the attacks of two weeks ago in Paris, but curiously comes days after the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, have reiterated the threat of the Gaullist Government of resorting to this possibility already exists in the Constitution since 16 March 1998 Gallic (see text of the law on bass) for those who pay attention against the country, "except if this withdrawal [of nationality] result stateless."[Law n° 98-170 of 16 March 1998-art. 23 JORF 17 March 1998 in force September 1, 1998]Ahmed Sahnouni el Ayycoubi he became a naturalized French in 2003, was detained on suspicion of "terrorist association" 10 years later and convicted of "a crime consisting of terrorist act", having been considered proven to be responsible for a scheme of recruitment of combatants "jihadists to Iraq, the Afghanistan and Somalia. He was released in 2015 and the lawyer objected and appealed the decision to be stripped of French nationality. Lost and the process of expulsion of Sahnouni for Morocco is underway.Who are Cherif and Said Kaye? http://t.co/uS6OwfIQov #CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/lgKUNpb6WGThe exception referred to by the law, therefore, would, on the other hand, that this type of sanction was applied to the brothers Kouachi, Chérif and Saïd, if they'd been caught both "jihadists" killed by French police two days after they attacked the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and killed 12 people, including a Muslim police, executed when he was already lying on the ground, wounded.The two brothers were exclusively French nationality as such could not be deprived of the same and be stateless.Chips of FFF Kouachi brothers, when they played by A.S. Chambertoise. pic.twitter.com/QSDMke0lSGOn the street, finally, the French are divided when this legal possibility. "Withdraw the nationality of those who commit this horrific acts, for me, is a good measure. They don't deserve to be French ", defended Jean-Jacques Daniel Mboag, a French citizen residing in Paris. The countryman Maxime Corbiere would prefer that the Government adopt an example followed in other countries: "the last thing I heard was about what you're doing in England with a reintegration program for these divergent and integrating another desradicalização program. I think it would be preferable to follow in that direction: identify them, supervise them and desradicalizá them without having to remove the nationality. "Of Francisco Brands | As REUTERS, LIBERATION
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