Islamic terrorist organizations "use increasingly women"

"A woman involved in a terrorist organization embarrasses men that her part and groups can assert things, for example, that men who don't adhere to the Organization are hiding behind the women.Also ensures that the terrorist group be more generational as they are women who will raise the children in that environment, children who then will follow the footsteps of their parents.The notion that women are only radicals because they lost someone dear or because a husband was murdered is controversial, at least watching the images of Hayat Boummedienne with a ' Hijab ' with a crossbow. She is radical from the beginning, before the husband or partner have been killed.The groups never before used women as the Taliban, and more recently the al-Shabab, use this practice now and ever more. So if these societies sometimes ultraconservative Al-Qaida member resort to women in places where they are confined, literally from the public, then we see that these groups became very instrumental to use women, "says Mia Melissa Bloom.
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