USA send world travel alert following attacks in Paris

The United States issued a worldwide travel alert in the aftermath of extremist attacks in Paris.The authorities appeal to citizens to maintain the highest level of alert, faced with the possibility of exerting additional pressure on the West, by the military action led by the United States against the self-styled Islamic State in Iraq and Syria."They believe that the attack on a country is, in fact, an attack on everyone else. So, in the case of attacks in France, for example, whether the United Kingdom or United States equated the hypothesis of identical attacks also occur in the respective territories, "explains Cedric Leighton, a former intelligence agent of the United States.The manifestations of solidarity they are noted in front of the Embassy of France in Washington.Although it seems that the worst is over, President Barack Obama made a point to remember that it is still not time to lower our guard. Because this Friday Al-Qaeda vowed new attacks in France in a video posted on the Internet and sensed by the American surveillance service of Islamic sites on the Internet (SITE)."We hope that the immediate threat is exceeded, thanks to the courage and professionalism of the French forces on the ground. The Gaullist Government continues to encounter the threat of terrorism and must remain alert because the situation can change at any moment ", stressed the President of the United States.Also this Friday, in Washington, the House of representatives followed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the attacks in Paris.Several European leaders will participate in the March of solidarity from Sunday in the French capital, alongside François Hollande. The Portuguese Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho, and the President of the Assembly of the Republic, Esteves, will represent Portugal at the demonstration.
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