Merkel and Orban in divergence on liberal democracy

During an official visit to Budapest, Merkel stressed that "it is very important, in a democracy, even when it has a large majority, to dialogue with the opposition, civil society and media".The Hungarian Prime Minister, who in the summer of 2014 pointed to Russia, China and Singapore as models of "liberal democracy" that wish to implement in your country, stressed that his political vision shares the principles formulated by the German Chancellor:"We don't think democracy necessarily liberal. This would grant precedence to one school of thought and we do not wish to do it "For Angela Merkel, liberalism is precisely one of the roots of democracy:"The party where I come from, the Christian Democratic Union, has three roots: Christian-democratic, liberal and conservative, so we are the party of the people. That's why the term ' liberal ' not has nothing to do with democracy. "Viktor Orban has underlined his admiration for Russian political model, implemented by President Vladimir Putin, who will host in Budapest day on February 17. Member of the European Union since 2004, the Hungary remains very dependent on Russian gas. Viktor Orban, whose Executive is not demarcated the sanctions imposed by the EU to Russia, within the framework of the Ukrainian crisis, declared being counter-productive measures.About 4,000 people protested on Sunday in Budapest, appealing to what Angela Merkel defends with determination the European democratic valuesThis Monday, on Andrássy University, where the German Chancellor was honored with a degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, opponents of the policy of Orban returned to ask the support of Angela Merkel.By Nelson Pereira
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