Sergio Mattarella, a man of integrity in the Presidency of Italy

The Sicilian judge of 73 years was elected with 665 votes in favour in the fourth vote in Parliament, in which only required a supermajority of 505 votes.Mattarella was the candidate supported by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who spared no compliments to the new President:"I consider him a gentleman, a respectable person, who fought against injustice, against the Mafia. He was a Deputy, Minister, judge of the Constitutional Court. Was able to renounce in the name of defending principles â" an ideal is worth more than a seat in power. "In the years 90, Sergio Mattarella resigned from his post as education Minister, to protest against a decree law in favour of the media empire of Silvio Berlusconi.When choosing this Christian Democrat who opposed several times Silvio Berlusconi, Renzi consolidates its position in the national political scene and in the leadership of the Democratic Party.By Nelson Pereira
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