Swiss Leaks: HSBC Geneva promoted massive tax fraud

The branch of the British bank HSBC Switzerland helped hide the IRS more than 180 billion euros. The revelation is made by the international consortium of investigative Journalists (, based in Washington, in the United States.According to the collective, the HSBC in Geneva set up a scheme that allowed wealthy clients avoid paying taxes. The scandal became public in 2008, when the former bank employee Herve Falciani English denounced the case to the French authorities. Falciani lives since then under police protection in Gaul. But the names and amounts of the personalities involved have been disclosed until now.The data refer to the years of 2006 and 2007. Stars like David Bowie and John Malkovich, the Kings of Morocco and Jordan or arms dealers and diamonds wanted by Interpol are part of the list. Many sorted out, however, the tax situation. Accounts with Portuguese names totalled 856 million euros.John Peseiro Monteiro | With AFP, REUTERS, LE MONDE, DIÃRIO DE NOTÃCIAS
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