Swiss Leaks: the ins and outs of the scandal

Thanks to Swiss banking secrecy, the Bank helped him escape taxes, but not only. The long list includes names of Saudis, suspected of financing Al-Qaeda, from drug traffickers, weapons or diamonds, or persons suspected of corruption in their respective countries.With more of the Switzerland 11235 is the country with the largest number of customers in the list of HSBC Private Bank. Followed by France (9187), United Kingdom (8844), Brazil (8667) and Italy (7499). Portugal is 33° of the list, with 611 guests, and 45° with a total of 855.8 million euros deposited in the Bank.The Baader Bank analyst, Robert Halver, considers that "all tax avoidance, even older ones, will be someday revealed. So, the truth always prevails. This clearly shows that it is being addressed the issue of tax evasion, anywhere. There will be more revelations, but time is running out ". The information was obtained in 2007, by a former employee of HSBC, and led investigations in France and in Belgium. Will have been delivered to the United Kingdom in 2010. The British opposition demands answers, not least because the former Chairman of HSBC, Stephen Green, was appointed Secretary of State for trade. Request for investigation in Switzerland, whose image gets damaged in the scandal.The Bank reacted to the revelations of "Swiss Leaks". HSBC ensures that the information "are part of the past". The strategy was modified in 2008 and since then the clientele has been dramatically reduced. According to the AFP Agency, the number of clients has fallen by 70% since 2007 and, at the end of 2014, the goods deposited in the Bank reached 68 billion.
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