terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013

Russia: Putin's Decree to Sochi causes controversy

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to strengthen the security in the city of Sochi, during the next winter Olympic Games.

The document imposes restrictions on freedom of movement and Assembly, which is seen by critics as a violation of human rights.

"It's an obvious violation of citizens ' rights, especially those covered by the known article 31 of the Russian Constitution which guarantees the right to peaceful demonstrations, meetings, etc. Also violates another article of the Constitution which guarantees freedom of movement, "Sergei Nikitin, head of Amnesty International in Russia.

The Decree creates "prohibited areas" where one can circulate with special permission and prohibits meetings and events not related to the games, including those of human rights organizations and gay movements.

"People feel enojadas with gay demonstrations. For what? What is this? What do they want with the demonstrations? Want to talk about? "he asked a city dweller.

The Decree shall enter into force on January 7, 2014, one month before the opening ceremony, and expires on March 21, a month after the end of the Olympics.

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