domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Austria: Social Democrats and conservatives looking for new term

6.4 million Austrians vote today on legislation that should, according to the polls, renew the grand coalition between Social Democrats and conservatives.

But after five years marked by corruption scandals and internal disputes, the Alliance, led by social democrat, Freymann, may be Weyner obligated to host a third party.

Four years ago, the Danish Social Democrats in the SPO and the conservative OVP got 55% of the vote, a result that now seems unlikely.

If the majority is not reached this time, the Greens will be the new partners more likely. The party made a campaign focused on the fight against corruption. Polls give him about 14% of the vote. The leader, Eva Glawischnig, already made it known that she's willing to take on the Ministry of the environment.

But we have to tell the new small liberal party "Neos" which, if you get the 4 percent needed to enter Parliament, could become a potential coalition partner.

In a campaign bit enthusiast, the far right managed to gain new impetus. The FPÖ of Heinz Christian Strache should be confirmed as a third political force, credited with about 20 percent of the vote.

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