Ukraine: Election Commission rejects condidatura of Darth Vader
This Thursday was, dressed up as characters from Star Wars, dozens of supporters of Darth Vader showed up outside the building of the Electoral Commission.The reason was the refusal of the Commission to accept the candidacy of Darth Vader, the evil character of the saga, the Presidency of the country.Vader says that one of his goals is to "recover the Crimea within three days" and it has "a very tiny little thing that Vladimir Putin needs and in return he gives you the Crimea".This character's candidacy was presented by the Internet Party, recently created. But Vader was already a second choice:"The Internet party of Ukraine wanted to present the candidacy of a robot. Because a robot never was in power. Is more decent and not corrupt. According to all the opinion polls on the internet, Darth Vader leads the electoral campaigns and that's why the Election Commission will not register. They fear him, "explains the party leader, Dmitry Gollubov.The election will take place on May 25 without Darth Vader. The winner, however, will have to fight, with all forces to try to wrest the country from political and economic crisis in which it is immersed.
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