sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013

Michael Heneke: "If commercial cinema continue stupid, resorted to television"

Michael Haneke â€" all awards are good, because it is important that the films to be seen, and the premiums raise curiosity at people who take the view., when a premium is Effectively important we were pleased, and happier still if we receive many. But that doesn't mean I don't feel proud when I attach a small prize in a festival. All prizes are important, it's better if you don't receive any.

euronews â€" for "love," a film that speaks to us of love, the end of life and fear of death, gave him some of these prizes. The Academy Awards ceremony has already been a few months. How do you explain that a film which does not correspond to the more commercial chain, because it deals with issues that everyone tries to avoid, was so successful?

MH â€" I think it had to do with the time when the film came out. If I had carried out ten years ago might not have had the same success. In recent years, the Media have been saying a lot of these topics, attracting public attention. Are issues on which we speak. But it was also a stroke of luck since, in principle, both I and my producers, due to the type of film that was, we thought it would be poison in box-office movies. We thought it would be better not to. But as I was interested in, why should face a similar situation in my private life, I insisted, he wanted to do, and at the end, they all accepted. It's fantastic that we did this movie. "

euronews â€" his films are loved and feared, would confront people with their fears and secrets. Violence is a major issue, the physical and psychic violence. Considers that some people live like torture?

MH â€" nobody is obliged to go to the movies. They say that about my film "Funny Games," which was conceived as a challenge to teach people to expose themselves when they see a violent film. Normally, at the cinema said more commercial, the violence is treated as a commodity. Sat us at the movies, we see the film but felt that doesn't concern us, it's just a movie. It's something that bothers me, that's why I reacted, to show the spectator who is an accomplice.

euronews-the Lord's Austrian, born in Munich, he grew up in Vienna, where he lives. Has worked in Germany and won't stop making movies French, with French actors and in French. Why? Where do you feel?

MH â€" my house is where I leave work. It's easier to make movies in France, movies "demanding" I mean, not mainstream cinema, and it is easier to find funding in France. Furthermore, in France, there are excellent actors. This is not to say that in Germany there are good actors. Having been able to make a film in France was also thanks to the fact that Juliette Binoche have attended to my Austrian films and getting back to me asking if we could do something together. Surprised me a lot and I thought someone was kidding me. But we made the movie and then came other occasions. Now I have many friends in France, I like to work in this country, but that doesn't mean it's not still in Germany or in Austria. Everything depends on the story you want to tell.

euronews â€" when we searched his name on the internet found most amusing comments about the Lord, on social networks. As the joke of a journalist, big fan of your work. His twitter account was suspended, had 20 thousand followers. This makes him laugh, but because he doesn't like a lot of social networks?

MH â€" that's not what I mean. I laugh because I didn't know were my students told to me. When I saw, I found funny, that's all. It is not true that I don't like social networks, on the contrary, in my new film, I'm working on now, I speak a little of this subject. But the truth is that we don't use too. I don't have time for that.

euronews â€" Precisely, what's your next project? Can you tell us something?

MH â€" I can't tell you much, I've done it previously and I ended up having to rectify and apologize for the film have a completely different development than predicted. So, I vowed not to repeat.

euronews â€" nowadays many u.s. filmmakers fail to make movies to run television series. The Lord also worked in television, believes that is a vision for the future?

MH â€" Whether commercial cinema continue stupid as so far, it is normal for people with intellectual ambitions more try to find a niche opportunities. Nobody would have thought 10 years ago that television would live such a Renaissance because of the frustration of the filmmakers most American intellectuals, who prefer to do the series. I think it's wonderful to do. Stories really smart, we can't find in American cinema. So ... why not? What is the result? Anyone can guess, but we can't predict what is going on now. While letting me, I will continue to work, as long as you got ideas ... because there may come a day when we no longer have them, but while this work and the public continue to love my movies, I have no reason not to perform.

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