sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Cuba: the success of a video game

The player's mission, which can assume the role of one of the 82 rebels who in the years 50 departed from the Mexico to Cuba aboard the Granma, is put an end to the dictatorship that ruled the island.

"It is seen that the games have occupied a very important place in the lives of young people. We could take advantage of that if you entertain, have fun and at the same time meet our history, "said Jorge Luis Rosell, one of the creators of the game.

"Gesta End" is a success at arcades.

"Is pretty much the sense that gives the war. The story is very similar to what happened here in Cuba, "said a student.

"I learned that the Cubans if they protect each other. Defend always the back of each other, "said another.

Soon "Gesta End" will be the first Cuban game produced for the attractive market in the sector.

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