sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

Search Tycoon husband to daughter lesbian

His wife of 33 years, told the South China Morning Post "that" neither billion "make her feel attracted to a man. Gigi Chao also revealed that the new offer of the father "disturbed" the companion, Sean Eav, which has for several years now, and I've asked "several times" to the parent to "stop talking to the press about the dowry".

Although not like Dad's obsession with finding her husband, Gigi shows understanding: "I know you love me. It's just another time and it is difficult to understand my struggle for the rights of the homosexual community ".

In an interview with the daily Nanyang Siang Pau "Malaysia", in the past 20 days, the millionaire Cecil Chao Sze-tsung regretted that the initial offer, made in 2012, has attracted more than 20 thousand candidates, but "none has conquered the heart of daughter". Despite his action, guaranteed not to interfere with his private life: "I just hope she has a good marriage and children who inherit my business".

Gigi is Executive Director of his father's real estate company and is dedicated to charitable activities as founder of the Organization Faith in Love (faith in love "), who tries to fight poverty in the most deprived areas of the Asian continent.

The daughter of Tycoon is also a well-known gay rights activist, bisexual and transgender people, having helped to found the group "Big Love Alliance", which develops initiatives in this area among lawyers and celebrities from Hong Kong.

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