quarta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2014

Silver bear of the Berlinale 2013 on the verge of being expelled from Germany

A year ago, was greeted on the red carpet. Now prepares to leave through the back door but promises to fight to the end. States that are willing to give back the silver bear if the permit to stay. He says that when he returned to Bosnia was "betrayed" by people who "thought he was rich." Ensures that wouldn't let him return to work of subsistence which is portrayed in the film and which eventually go "collect garbage". But had to stop because of a back injury. Ensures that was humiliated in Bosnia by people who do not believe that just won 100 euros per day on the set.

The film, "An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker", portrays literally the day-to-day of Mujić while triggered by instinct and the battle to save the life of the woman after an abortion.

Promises to go to Berlinale â€" to which are invited â€" and the Berlin film festival got him a lawyer who is examining the case.

The Berlinale kicks off the February 6

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