sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2014

Separatism in Crimea and Ukraine's impending bankruptcy dominate the agenda of the new Government in Kiev

The Ukrainian Parliament confirmed the pro-European Arseny Iatseniuk in the post of Prime Minister of the new transitional Government of Ukraine.

The Chief Executive takes the reins of a country plagued by political and economic instability.

In the inaugural speech, Iatseniuk made it clear that European integration is the big goal.

"The great task of the Ukrainian Government's European integration. The future of Ukraine is in Europe and the Ukraine is a member of the European Union, "said the Prime Minister.

Referring to tensions that separatists still have shaken the Crimea, assured: "Ukraine will use every constitutional legal methods to save the territorial integrity of the State. The Crimea was, is and will be part of the Ukraine. "

The Premier's words were greeted with applause by those present in the room, including members of the party of regions, to which belonged the former President Viktor Ianukovich.

"I can confirm that I worked for some time with some of the new Ministers and enjoyed plenty of their professional skills," said one of the opposition MPs, Serhiy Tihipko.

In addition to the separatist crisis in Crimea, the interim Government must meet with the utmost urgency a solution to avoid the impending bankruptcy of the Ukraine.

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