terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2014

Popov: a Russian look about the Ukraine presidential

Euronews: begin by asking how is Russia to react to Sunday's election results and, in your opinion, in what ways can develop relations with Ukraine which has just to choose a new head of State?

Popov: "I think many Russians breathed a sigh of relief after Sunday's election. Many people accepted the results of the ballot held more or less within a legal framework. These elections are the first legitimate case in about half a year of chaos. With regard to relations between Kiev and Moscow believe that nothing will change until because Russia has already made known their conditions several times. "

Euronews: the leader of the ultranationalist right-wing Sector Group, Dmitry Yarosh, collected less than one percent of the votes. Do you think these results will contribute to that Moscow stop accusing Kiev of being backed by extremists?

Popov: "in fact only 0.68 percent of voters supported the candidate of the right-wing Sector, Dmitry Yarosh. But let's see who emerges after Poroshenko: Iulia Timochenko have said, in private conversations, that if I could drop an atomic bomb on Moscow. Oleg Lyashko appears below. So if we add the nationalists, extremists and fascists the percentage of votes exceeds 30 percent. "

Euronews: on first statement to the country, Petro Poroshenko said want to solve the problems with Russia, but ruled out the possibility of recognizing the Crimea as part of Russian territory. How is that Moscow is reacting to these statements?

Popov: "so far the President, still, did not react. But I recall that Vladimir Putin said in Saint Petersburg that Russia would be willing to negotiate with the new Ukrainian authorities. I believe that first of all it is important to realize what is the position of Petro Poroshenko which supports the military operation in the southeast of the country. This is not an easy situation for the new President since he has to please Washington and East of Ukraine. Poroshenko needs to negotiate with the population of the East, but first and foremost he has to prove he is credible. "

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