quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2015

Tsipras and Merkel: an approximation is not always obvious

The Greece and Germany can work together. Can, at least, sit down at the table to talk about the future of relations between the two countries. It concludes the visit of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to Berlin and meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Even if there are disagreements that persist, the two leaders wanted to show that there is dialogue between the two countries. Tsipras wants to prove that the reforms that the new Greek Government is doing will give results and bet on the fight against corruption and tax evasion.

Merkel demands evidence of political reforms, to continue loans. Would not disclose whether the next slice of the loan to Greece will be paid.

The issue of reparation for the damage of World War II is still a rock in my shoe. Tsipras insists that Greece and Germany will have to reach agreement on this issue.

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