sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2015

Lack of financial and military means can precipitate fall of Ramadi

By air and by land, the support given to Iraqi troops in Ramadi is little to curb the radicals of the Islamic State

According to an official of the province of Al-Anbar, some parts of the city are being the scene of violent clashes, but lacks financial and military means.

The violence has already led to at least 2 thousand families abandon the site.

A day after having assumed control of several towns on the outskirts of Ramadi, the extremists are trying to get to the heart of the city.

Security sources give account of a suicide bombing by the Commissioner of police, followed by an exchange of gunfire that resulted in eight dead.

Intense are also clashes in Baiji, where are located the largest refinery in the country. Iraqi military source ensures that the army recovered two localities on the outskirts of the city that until this Thursday were in the hands of the extremists.

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