sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2015

FIFA accused of involved in elections in Trinidad and Tobago

FIFA will have imiscuído in the parliamentary elections of Trinidad and Tobago in 2010. At least, that is the prosecution of the former Vice President, Jack Warner, at the center of a scandal without precedent in the world of football.

The ex-leader also said Concacaf there is evidence of the implication of the resigning President Sepp Blatter and the current Prime Minister of the country, Kamla Persad Bissessar.

"As promised, have compiled a series of detailed documents, including checks, supported statements and put them in different and respected hands. Had already stated that to do this put the fate of this subject out of my League. Remove them is now impossible. You can't go back to back, "he said.

Jack Warner, sought by Interpol since Wednesday, accused of receiving 10 million euros in Exchange for three votes for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa organising says still fear for their lives.

But, the true extent of the scandal will still be revealed. On Wednesday, the former member of the FIFA Executive Committee, Chuck Blazer, admitted in a deposition in 2103 he received bribes to vote in South Africa in the 2010 World Cup and provided bribes for France winning the 1998 organization.

Yet organizations continue unharmed of 2018 world in Russia and 2022 in Qatar.

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