sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2015

Palestinians "arming" of patience for a conflict with no end in sight

Many years have passed without any progress in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the situation of the Palestinian people haven't changed. The political, social and economic problems are the same as always, the living conditions of people evolved, as we have seen in the cities of Tulkarem and Naplus, in the West Bank.

Despite the existence of a Palestinian National Authority (PNA), you should run this territory, things have not changed substantially. The Israeli checkpoints continue to give rhythm to the life of the Palestinians. The Hebrew State controls virtually the entire security; the Palestinian national authority limited to manage the current business of the life of the community.

A situation which perpetuates current, to the dismay of many Palestinians:

"Since 1967 that our lives as Palestinians come to get worse and worse and worse. Many people here are willing to fight, others don't, just want to survive. Our situation is very bad, "says a man in the street.

After years of negotiations without results, some people start to lose hope to see one day fulfilled the dream of an independent Palestinian State, free and safe. A sentiment prevalent in the younger generations but, above all, in that ever lived decades of conflict:

"The daily life of the Palestinians has not changed, it is always the same, we witness strikes at universities systematically because of the clashes. There are a lot of problems. People ask if there will be a new Intifada. Employees wonder if they're going to have the wages paid. This is our life here in Palestine, "said one man.

Another adds, "the daily life of the Palestinians is what you can see we're still under Israeli occupation, the economic situation is very bad. Of course we are not satisfied, because we live in conditions of instability and insecurity. Young people don't have jobs. "

Many international organisations warn of the deterioration of human rights in the Palestinian territories where freedom of movement is limited and they lack many basic necessities such as medicine, water and electricity.

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