quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Slovenia: Prime Minister claims to be willing to act to control flow of refugees

"" If Slovenia it is thank you, we are ready to erect barriers along the border in order to drive the refugees to waypoints and so make it easier to manage "-Miro Cerar, PM of Slovenia"

In Slovenia the influx of refugees is placing the country under unprecedented pressure.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday morning, about nine thousand refugees would have entered the country.

Following the announcement by Austria of the adoption of security measures along the border with Slovenia, the Prime Minister of this country claimed to be ready to act to control the situation.

"I want to emphasise that Slovenia does not intend to erect walls. We don't want walls between European countries. If Slovenia it is thank you, we are ready to erect barriers along the border in order to drive the refugees to waypoints and so make it easier to manage ".

This Wednesday arrived in Slovenia the first group of German policemen who will help organise the flow of refugees.

The arrival of the police takes place after a formal request for assistance made by Slovenia to the European institutions on the grounds that the refugee situation is putting too much pressure on the police.

"What we have to do is face the situation together. We have agreed in Brussels as a 17-point plan that now has to be implemented. That's why they're coming the first cops, others will come in the next few days from other European countries in order to help resolve the situation, "said the German Ambassador in Slovenia, Anna Elisabeth Prinz.

Reacting to ads from Austria and Slovenia, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker spoke with the leaders of both countries.

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