terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2015

Iraqi flag hoisted in Ramadi

After having assumed control of the Centre of operations of the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Ramadi, the Iraqi army is advancing now in parts of the city where they can still be jihadi forces.

General Ismail al-Mahlawi, responsible for military operations in Al Anbar province, reported that Iraqi troops still do not have complete control of the city, rectifying the ad was made so by the spokesman for the Joint operations command of Iraq, general Yahya Rasool.

The Iraqi army has launched military operations in November for the reconquest of Ramadi, located 130 kilometres from Baghdad.

The capital of the province of Al Anbar, conquered by the jihadists in may, is a Sunni city and so did not participate in the attack on Shia militias, Sunni forces only. The operations with the air support of the United States-led coalition.

The Iraqi army's advance was slowed by booby-trapped devices and the destruction of the bridges of Ramadi.

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