quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2013

Germany: modern slavery in the country the European economic model

In June, a report in Germany would meet living and working conditions be unfit for certain employees in the country of the European economic model.

Essentially workers from Eastern Europe who have been promised more than dormitories areas are excessively densely populated, schedules in accordance with the needs and the extremely low salaries.

In Lower Saxony, the Prime Minister Stephan Weil decided to take action to end these abuses. "This has to end. People who work in German companies have to be treated humanely and have to be represented in work councils. "

In Germany there is no minimum wage, which is an open door to all kinds of abuses. Between three and six euros per hour of work, monthly salaries between 300 and 500 euros. A recurrent situation in certain sectors that allows the country extremely attractive prices.

These abuses are not just reserved for immigrants. In Germany it is estimated that there are two million "working poor". The European Commission estimates that there are about one and a half million workers called "low cost" that are sent by the employer to another provisional state of the Union.

The exploitation of these workers has a name: modern slavery. And a cost: the destabilization of entire sectors of the economy. Europe cannot solve the problem because the harmonization of labour legislation are complex.

The reaction of Ernst Michael Andritzky, food industry association of Lower Saxony, speaks for itself. "If a company manufactures its own products, buy goods or purchase certain services that is part of the entrepreneurial freedom is enshrined in the Constitution. A lawmaker can do to change that. Now there is much talk of this theme because we're in the middle of pre-election campaign. "

The story of the German television ARD reported working conditions imposed by the German distribution giant online Amazon workers with fixed-term contracts. Workers watched at all times by bodyguards dressed in uniforms similar to those used by neo-Nazis.

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