segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013

Kenya: the final assault

Entered the final phase the Westgate shopping centre robbery in the capital of Kenya, taken by insurgents, Somali Islamists "al-shabab" on Saturday.

Since dawn there were explosions and more shootings and there is black smoke coming out of the building.

The Chief of police ensures approaching little by little of the attackers and the Interior Minister advances that almost all the hostages are safe.

At the same time, the country mobilized military for ports and airports.

Kenyan military forces are, according to the rumors, supported by Israeli and American services.

The premier already encortou the visista the Balmoral, in Scotland, for an emergency meeting. London is ready to support the Kenyan authorities.

The Kenyan Red Cross talks of 69 dead, 63 missing and 175 wounded. But the Ministry of the Interior evokes only 59 dead.

The Kenyan newspaper The Standard said this morning, after having had access to surveillance camera footage, which participated in the robbery a dozen rebels. They came in through the main door and through the parking lot, armed with grenades, pistols and machine guns.

"The Standard" use even though the Islamists "forced people who were in the building to make the start of the Shahada, the Muslim profession of faith". Who was incapable of immediate shot was.

The Islamists say act in retaliation for Kenya's military intervention in neighboring Somalia, under way since the end of 2011.

With regard to the events, the International Criminal Court in the Hague, has authorized the Kenyan Vice President, William Ruto, the absent one week of his process to return to Kenya to manage the crisis, which his lawyers qualified to "September 11 Kenyan".

It is the deadliest attack since the Al-Qaeda suicide attack in August 1998, against the American Embassy in Nairobi.

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