sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013

Pope: Church must accompany homosexuals and divorced with mercy "

Pope Francis stated that the Church should accompany homosexuals and divorced "with mercy".

In the first interview, as Supreme Pontiff, published yesterday by the Jesuit journal Civiltà Cattolica, Francisco mentioned the issue of abortion. The Pope said that if a woman interrupts pregnancy, a fact "too heavy" and "sincerely sorry", then the Act should be forgiven. The Pope added that "the confessional is not a torture Chamber but a place of mercy."

Francisco positions are being welcomed by the more liberal believers.

"I believe that he is the only Pope who had the courage to recognize the internal problems of the Church and to try to address them. Courage to accept situations such as homosexuality, there are marriages that result in separations, all of these issues, "says this Catholic.

"Finally we have a Pope who wants to renew things and I hope he can follow in front, especially that he can come up with these ideas?", this Italian.

The Pope said that the Church can't be obsessed with issues "with abortion, gay marriage and the use of contracetivos methods"

In this balance of six months of pontificate Francisco said still in the role of women in the Church

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