sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013

France: growing opposition to the expulsion of two foreign students

Manuel Valls, Minister of internal administration is the target of much criticism, even of the Socialist camp, after having stated last week, that the Gypsies with integration issues should return to their countries.

One of the students who expressed this Friday in Paris explained that, more than the two specific cases, the "fight" is against the expulsion of academic students, because "everyone has the right to education" and against the form "regrettable" how the process was conducted.

Secondary students require that "the President of the Republic if word" on the subject. The Minister of Education issued veiled criticism of Mr Government, Manuel Valls, stating in an interview that "you can't intervene like this", a "picture of school life" and recalled that that's why it considers that "the school is a kind of sanctuary".

Darin Dibrani, of 15 years, was detained by police in the middle of a field trip and expelled to Kosovo, but now the father claims that he lied to get asylum and that the teenager was born in Italy. The other expelled student is of Armenian origin.

The conclusions of the administrative inquiry opened the case should still be known Friday.

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