sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

Albania rejects host operations of destruction of Syrian chemical arsenal

The Albanian Government rejected the request of the United States to host the operations of destruction of the Syrian arsenal, after several days of protests.

The burgeoning opposition led Prime Minister Edi Rama to change his mind, after having shown initially in favour of the request from Washington.

The head of the Albanian Government stressed that despite the "huge respect for friends and irreplaceable allies [...] It is impossible for Albania to become involved in this operation. " Rama added that the country "does not have the necessary capabilities".

A participant in the demonstration Friday in Tirana says he knows "the damage that could result in the country, which is not prepared, nor has the ability, capacity and expertise to carry out this type of operation".

After Albanian rejection, the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons submitted the final timetable for the destruction of the Syrian arsenal. The most dangerous weapons must leave Syria until December 31 and the rest of the chemical agents until 5 February. The process of stockpile destruction is expected to be completed by June 2014.

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