domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

China has established air defence area which includes the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands

The area covers much of the East China Sea between South Korea and Taiwan, including the Diaoyu Islands, according to the Japanese name, but claimed by China as Diaoyu.

"This is a necessary measure to China in exercising its right to self-defence. It's not directed specifically to a country or objective and does not affect the freedom to fly in that airspace, "said the spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense.

All aircraft crossing the new air defense zone must meet certain obligations, under threat of a military intervention.

This action of the Chinese Government provoked immediate protests from Tokyo.

On Friday, four Coast Guard vessels have entered Chinese territorial waters of the Islands after the Japanese Minister of Defense have considered in late October that this kind of Chinese incursions threatened peace in the region.

About a year ago, relations between Japan and China deteriorated considerably due to this territorial conflict.

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