sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Climate Summit in Warsaw prolonged without agreement in sight

The meeting should have done yesterday, but the 195 countries present were unable to establish the foundations of a new world climate Pact, which must be accepted at the Conference in Paris in December 2015, and enter into force in 2020.

The European Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard, said that "there is still a group of minds who think differently and try to reinstall a wall. It is not acceptable to the European Union, nor to many others, who know that only if all we do as much in the years from 2020 do we get what we really need. "

Among the top points of contention is the question of financing to developing countries. On Thursday, 800 representatives of 13 environmental organizations have abandoned discussions, frustrated by the impasse.

Jan Kowalzig, Adviser of Oxfam, says that "climate change is causing hunger, destroying food production and sources of livelihoods around the world. That is why it is so important that this Summit ends in success ".

But after two weeks of discussions in the Polish capital, the only concrete agreement concerns the protection of tropical forests and the Summit could end today with a simple declaration of intent.

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