sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Ukrainian opposition demonstrations against Government begins

The discontent Ukrainian leaves at streets since Friday night.

The opposition leader, Yulia Tymoshenko, arrested two years ago, urged people to get out into the street after the Government of President Viktor Yanukovych have abandoned plans for an agreement with the European Union.

The indignation of supporters was manifested before the Parliament and revived memories of the Orange Revolution, though this night the number of protesters is much lower than the one that sparked the revolution nine years ago.

Leader of the opposition, Vital Klitschko declares: "our main task is to bring people together, because we are United by the desire to live in a better country. What we have to do? Each of us has to bring in 20, 40, 100 people to the square and large protest next Sunday. We've been here a lot but we want more "

All eyes are focused on kiev, this weekend, where the opposition will try to organize a mega-protest against the Government's decision in retreat at the signing of the trade agreement with the European Union.

Several hundred demonstrators surrounded by police showed up here to protest even before the appeal launched by Tymoshenko.

The association agreement proposed by the European Union to Ukraine was filed a week before his signature once Kiev chose to resume economic relations with Russia.

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